Fowler White Burnett today announced that shareholder John H. Friedhoff has been appointed to the Lazarski University School of Commerce and Law, Board of Advisors for LL.M. in International Business Program.
Friedhoff, who has more than 20 years of experience and works in the firm’s Miami office, concentrates his practice on a wide range of matters, including drafting international contracts for U.S. outbound investors, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, distribution of products and services abroad, foreign agency agreements, registration and licensing of intellectual property. He also has in-depth experience with foreign investment matters, including transfer pricing issues, registration of foreign capital and loans, and the establishment of offshore banks, corporations, trusts and mutual funds.
He holds a law degree from the University of Miami School of Law and a bachelor’s degree from Carleton College.
The LL.M. in International Business Practice degree is issued by Lazarski University School of Commerce Law in Warsaw, Poland. Lazarski University is a recognized degree-granting institution of higher education in Poland. The degree is granted in cooperation with the Center for International Legal Studies, a non-profit legal training and research institution based in Salzburg, Austria.