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Monday, March 2, 2020

Fowler White and 23 Attorneys Recognized Among South Florida Legal Guide’s 2020 Top Law Firm and Top Lawyers

Fowler White Burnett is pleased to announce that the firm has been recognized as a “Top Law Firm in the 2020 Edition of the South Florida Legal Guide, 17 of its attorneys have been selected as “Top Lawyers and 6 have been recognized as “Top Up and Comers.”

Published by South Florida Business & Wealth, the South Florida Legal Guide is a widely respected source of top legal professionals, by practice area, in the South Florida region. Candidates are nominated and voted on by their peers after an in-house evaluation of accomplishments and other key credentials.

The following Fowler White attorneys were recognized as “Top Lawyers:”

Additionally, the following were recognized as “Top Up and Comers:”